『The Future of English Spreading Around the World ~A Breif History of English Language and Literature ~ 』の詳細情報

The Future of English Spreading Around the World
タイトル The Future of English Spreading Around the World
サブタイトル A Breif History of English Language and Literature
著者 [著者区分]
出版社 流通経済大学出版会 レーベル
1600円 シリーズ
ページ数 148p Cコード 0098
発売予定日 2023-04-03 ジャンル 一般/単行本/外国文学、その他
ISBN 9784947553935 判型 A5
1. The Celts and the Romans
2. The Anglo-Saxons
3. Old English
4. The Vikings and Beowulf
5. The Norman Conquest
6. Anglo-Norman English-speaking kings
7. Middle English Grammar and Vocabulary
8. Literary works of the Middle Ages
9. Chaucer
10. Modern English
11. Shakespeare
12. The Romantic Age in England
13. Wordsworth
14. Austen and Dickens
15. Charlotte Bronte
16. Conan Doyle and Detective Stories
17. Class Society and Sexuality
18. Cockney
19. Scottish English
20. David Hume
21. Sir Walter Scott
22. Irish English
23. American English
24. Black English
25. Canadian English
26. Australian English
27. New Zealand English
28. English spoken in India
29. English spoken in Singapore
30. English spoken in South Africa